Jason Carne is a lettering artist and graphic designer with a focus on print and packaging operating out of his home studio in Saylorsburg, PA.

Jason has over 15 years of experience in both print and logo design with a penchant for decorative and ornate lettering. In addition to his freelance designer career, Jason owns and operates a display type foundry called Carmel Type Co. where he works with some of the finest sign artists in the world to sell unique, decorative typefaces in addition to also running a carefully curated designer resource website called Lettering Library that digitizes antiquarian publications on lettering and sign-painting for the modern-day artist. 

Jason Carne’s work has been featured in several books, including the popular publications “Drawing Type: An Introduction to Illustrating Letterforms” and “Ascenders Volume One”. He’s an alumni speaker of the Creative South design conference in Columbus, Georgia, and Weapons of Mass Creation Fest in Cleveland, Ohio. He’s been interviewed by several high-profile websites like The Dieline, HOW, and Calligritype, and was a finalist in the inaugural Ink Wars event. 
